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Sevastopol (English pronunciation, IPA: /ˌsɛvəˈstoʊpəl/ or /səˈvæstəpoʊl/) (Ukrainian and Russian: Севастополь; Crimean Tatar: Aqyar), formerly known as Sebastopol, is a port city in Russia, located on the Black Sea coast of the Crimea peninsula. It has a population of 418,880 (2016). The city, formerly the home of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, is now a Russian naval base.

The unique geographic location and navigation conditions of the city's harbours make Sevastopol a strategic important naval point. It is also a popular seaside resort and tourist destination, mainly for visitors from the CIS countries.
The trade and shipbuilding importance of Sevastopol's Port has been growing since the fall of the Soviet Union despite the difficulties that arise from the joint military control over its harbours and piers.

Sevastopol is also an important centre of marine biology research. In particular, studying and training of dolphins has been conducted in the city since the end of World War II, initially as a secret naval program to use these animals for special undersea operations.

Recent city comments:

  • Coast Artillery Battery 19, Vatskikvas wrote 3 years ago:
    Если быть точнее, то 19 по царской нумерации. Подробнее тут
  • Chersonesus lighthouse, mototravel wrote 4 years ago:
    1942 год
  • ulitsa Shabalina / vulytsia Shabalina, 23, sevazs1 wrote 5 years ago:
    Топлива ГОСТ стандарта "Евро 5" (К5), ведущих производителей (Газпром, Роснефть, Лукойл).
  • Strelka, Mike (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Кто придумал Стрелку до Карантинной бухты тянуть? Улица Пожарова никогда Стрелкой тоже не была, как и квартал новостроек на Руднева с улицей Репина )))
  • Srping, DavidBalaklava wrote 6 years ago:
    First drilled in 1860 it's feed from aquifers running under the mountain. The quarry nearby detroyed the water table in that mountain leaking heavy metals into the water making it unpotable. DO NOT DRINK or WATER GARDENS with this water
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